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What Are Flutter And Its Benefits?

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What Are Flutter And Its Benefits?

Flutter has been around since Google first introduced it in 2015, but the excitement around it has just recently become greater. It’s a cross-platform tool that uses a modern, reactive architecture to create Android and iOS apps from a single code base. Dart, a primary object-oriented programming language, is used to develop Flutter apps. Flutter’s fundamental concept is around widgets.

The complete UI comprises several widgets, each defining a structural element, an aesthetic element, a layout aspect, and so on. Flutter does not employ OEM widgets, instead providing ready-made widgets that appear native to either Android or iOS apps. It is also possible to make your widgets. Seek out a technical overview.

The Benefits Of Flutter 

Below is a list  of the features, without any comparisons to other platforms and attributes that may entice you to try Flutter:

1)High Productive

Because Flutter is cross-platform, you can utilise the same code base to create apps for both iOS and Android. This will undoubtedly save you both time and money. To learn more about high productivity, join Google Flutter Online Course.

2)Great Performance

Dart compiles to native code, and Flutter has its widgets. Therefore OEM widgets are unnecessary.   This means less mediated communication between the app and the platform will exist. As Wm Leler puts it: “Flutter is the only mobile SDK that provides reactive views without requiring a JavaScript bridge.” This adds up to faster app starting times and fewer performance concerns.

3)Fast And Simple Development

Hot reload is one of Flutter’s most popular features, allowing you to quickly view changes to the code on emulators, simulators, and hardware. The updated code is supplied in less than a second while the app still operates, eliminating the need for a restart. This is useful not only for developing UIs and adding functionality but also for problem-solving. Flutter says that programming using Flutter is so simple that no prior programming expertise is required: “Experience with object-oriented languages is helpful, but even non-programmers have made Flutter apps!” There is only one way to find out if this is correct.


Because widgets are part of the programme rather than the platform, you should encounter few or no compatibility concerns across OS versions. As a result, testing takes less time.

5)Open Source

Flutter and Dart are both open-source and free to use, with substantial documentation and community assistance to assist you with any problems.


This blog will inform you about the benefits of google flutter. To learn more about the google flutter benefits, join Google Flutter Training In Chennai at FITA Academy. Thus the benefits of Flutter are high productivity, great performance, fast and simple development, compatibility and open source.