Online GRE Prep Courses

Beneficial GRE Recommendations

Post in Abroad Education, GRE, Study Abroad

Find the Fragments of Sources about GRE

  • How much TOEFL scores are needed for getting TA position?

    Every university has their own norms when it comes to acquiring a TA position. For example in Ohio State University a TOEFL score of 28 in speaking is the basic requirement for getting a Teaching Assistantship. However this may not be the same for all other universities. One way you can find the requirements out, is by exploring the university websites or talking to Alumni from that particular University. Infact you can also mail the administration department of the University seeking for help. More often than not, they’ll respond with the exact information you are looking for.
  • Why does GRE demand a strong Vocabulary? Is it related to the fact that MS Aspirants need to have a strong GRE Vocabulary?There is a huge difference in the standard of English language between India and US. That is why we Indians find GRE Verbal to be very tough. GRE Verbal Practice Tests helps you for improving your communication skills and proving to the universities that you are eligible to study abroad where primary communication is going to be English
  • In terms of Verbal reasoning what is the difference between GRE & GMAT?GRE does not have sentence correction but GMAT has. In GMAT, 30% of questions comprise of critical reasoning but in GRE it is far less. There is also a difference in the RC format between GRE and GMAT. GMAT does not test vocabulary but GRE does.
  • Is it  Compulsory to take IELTS or TOEFL?IETLS and TOEFL are just english proficiency skill exams. Most universities will ask from IELTS/TOEFL score from all international applicants especially from countries that don’t have English as their national language.

See more: GRE Vocabulary